The development of new glass and fenestration technologies now make it possible to manufacture windows and doors with dramatically increased energy efficiency, thus providing more comfort for the occupants. Such technologies are both practical and cost effective when specified and installed correctly. To make the best use of these technologies, specifiers and consumers alike need a common method of comparing the effect of the choices they make. Window Energy Ratings and Door Set Energy Ratings meet this need and allow specifiers and consumers to rapidly compare the energy efficiency of different products. Windows and doors registered under the respective WER and DSER schemes are rated using a familiar A to G scale on the basis of their total energy efficiency, where an A-rated product is more energy efficient than a G-rated one. Using such a straight forward and familiar labeling system similar to those already seen on household appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines, specifiers can quickly and easily choose the most suitable window or door product for their needs.
The rating system itself represents a simple method of assessing the energy efficiency of competing products. Energy rating and their labels are important for fenestration products because they can account for over 25% of the heating bill in a typical home.
Using WERs and/or DSERs manufacturers of energy efficient products are now able to demonstrate their comparable performance clearly through unbiased ratings. Energy labels enable the specifier or consumer to compare and select products based on the product’s specific energy performance rather than on manufacturer’s claimed values.
As you would expect Deceuninck have been at the forefront of energy ratings since their inception, as such the energy performance of many of our products have already been assessed.
For details of how well our window and door products perform please contact our Technical department,
Tel. 01249 810415.